
Jozef Rulof - a severe case of unbridled delusion?
by Herman Nimis, January 2006

The books of the late Dutch 'metaphysical' writer, painter and faith healer Jozef Rulof (1898-1952) propagate a form of occult Christianity, which is saturated with excessive racial interpretations of reincarnation and karma. Investigators of occult, ultra-conservative movements in Western Europe of the early twentieth century are well acquainted with this phenomenon. However, over the past years Rulof's ideology has, with concern, been noted to experience a veritable hype. His most renowned propagandist is a faith healer, well known in the Netherlands and even abroad under the assumed name of "Jomanda".

Jozef Rulof in the fifties
  Jozef Rulof in de jaren vijftig van de vorige eeuw  
For the last 6 years, Rulof's editor, Wayti Publishing House Foundation in Apeldoorn, Holland (1), has also expanded on the Anglo-Saxon market. By the end of 2005, seven books had been translated into English and seventeen more books are now in preparation (2). The exact amount of readers is not known, but to the regret of the editor's U.S. sales office, Rulof's works are at present not swarming that country.

Wayti Publishing deals exclusively with Rulof's heritage, consisting of his books and paintings. His written work is divided into three categories: 'Acquaintance', 'Deepening' and 'Text-books'. The first two, which are recommended to beginners, carry an ISBN, are available in bookstores and public libraries. The third and more comprehensive category is meant for advanced readers only. These books often do not carry an ISBN and are to be ordered directly from the editor. Wayti claims that these books ought to be read in the right order, as dictated by the "cosmic masters", and that this method will protect beginning readers from confusion and misunderstandings. However, since these so-called 'text-books' contain an over-abundance of highly controversial and offensive material, it seems far more likely that the editor has set up these rules to protect himself from judicial persecution. The discriminating features of Rulof's ideology make their emphatic debut in two books from 'Deepening ': The Origin of the Universe (translated) and Mental Illnesses seen from Beyond (in translation).

Supernatural horror
The entire range of Rulof's occult and ultra-right-wing universe can be found in "the textbooks" (yet to be translated). According to these writings, the final phase of human evolution is imminent. In that future era, only Caucasian white, perfectly healthy, heterosexual married people will exist, all in strict conformity with the so-called 'Age of Christ', Rulof's "ultimate phase". People of other races are considered to belong to a lower level and deviating religion -with the emphases on Judaism- are rejected. In the end, followers of other beliefs are expected to convert to Rulof's doctrine, and as long as this has not been fulfilled, wars and disputes will continue. In the meantime, even though wars are considered horrifying, they are claimed to offer the necessary scope for mankind to advance towards higher spiritual levels.

Other life-styles, such as homosexuality, are only temporarily accepted. They only experience an interim karmic role and are regarded to be developments towards heterosexuality in a next life. Compared to heterosexuals, their lifestyle is regarded as inferior. According to Rulof, people suffering from the Down syndrome (mongolism) experience distortion and are possessed by demons in accordance with the karma they incurred after the mass-murders they are supposed to have committed in former lives.

To top it all, Rulof's prophecies are based on a strong racial doctrine with a hierarchy of seven subsequent grades and sub-grades, which every human being must pass through by reincarnating. The first three, lowest grades harbour the so-called jungle tribes and midget races, such as the Pygmies and the midget/dwarf races. White races occupy the fourth grade and onward, but coloured races - with the exception of certain races from India - will not exceed the fourth grade. Because of their nature, the Eskimos generally cannot exceed the fifth grade. In one of his later text-books, Rulof alters his views: Negroid races may also rise up to the seventh, highest grade - previously for whites only - provided that they live and behave according to the mentality of the latter. In addition, white-skinned people from the fifth grade and upwards, whose lives were not in accordance with the cosmic laws as proclaimed, will be downgraded by karma in their next lives to the fourth grade and will then reincarnate with a coloured skin. In his fifth book, The origin of the universe, Alcar, one of Rulof's "cosmic masters", proclaims that in the far future only one race will exist on earth: obviously the white one.

According to these laws, the blending of different grades i.e. races has had a highly negative impact on our planet, and it is this phenomenon which is held responsible for the entire decline and all the diseases on earth. However, these ill consequences will gradually subside in future, since people with ailing health will no longer be permitted to marry, to prevent them from bearing unsound offspring. Blood transfusion is said to result in impure blood, entailing fatal effects. Abortion, euthanasia, suicide and cremation are vehemently discouraged. After suicide, the soul is claimed to remain attached to the body until it has finally decayed, while it consciously suffers all the horrors of decomposition before it arrives in the spheres-beyond for correcting purposes. Likewise, cremation would cause the soul to suffer the conscious torment of burning. Jan Kleyn, a well-known psychic in the Netherlands, reported in one of his books about patients with extreme paranoid illusions after they had read on these issues in Rulof's books.

According to his doctrine, homosexuality is considered as a mental illness, and many different hells owe their existence, amongst others, to homosexuals and child murderers. Notably, Rulof has the audacious insolence to mention these two groups of people in one breath! Emancipation of females is rejected, because women should dedicate all possible attention to their primary task, namely motherhood. Consequently, women can never become great painters or composers since motherhood will prevent them. However, the male is not subjected to this limitation. As marital divorce is considered to be an offence against cosmic laws, in future marriage partners will obligatorily be selected by para psychologists in service of the State.

In his book De volkeren der aarde, translated in 1947 as My Revelations to the Peoples of the Earth (3), Rulof describes the final phase of these developments as a period in which "abnormalities will no longer be found on earth" (4). In this book, he advises the Jewish people to be grateful to Adolf Hitler for the holocaust, as this ordeal relieved all six million of them (!) from the severe karma they brought down upon themselves by crucifying Christ more than 2000 years ago. According to this philosophy, Hitler is a reincarnation of Caiaphas, the high priest who ordered the crucifixion. In his subsequent lives, Caiaphas realised "the bad habits of Jewish people, such as usury, lying, cheating and deteriorated lifestyle" (5). He therefore reincarnated as Adolf Hitler and decided to take revenge on them. In this context, the holocaust is looked upon as a justification of the alleged laws of karma. In one of his following books, Rulof even urges Hitler on: "Adolf, finish your task!". In yet another textbook, Rulof criticises the foundation of the state of Israel: "Isn't it sad, the Jews still cannot understand God's rightful dressing-down (referring to the holocaust)." Hitler's role as a crusader is highlighted, since he supposedly brought evolution to mankind. This will not be recognised at present. Yet in time, people will rehabilitate Hitler and will adorn his grave with flowers. According to 'Revelations', Mussolini, the Italian fascist leader, is an aide de camp to Hitler because he conquered Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) :"He had to conquer that country because it was God's own will to awaken the blacks". (6) To Rulof, colonialism is an expedient to people of the lowest grades to achieve the mentality of the white race. The N.S.B., a militant Dutch political party that collaborated with the nazi's during their occupation of Holland in World War II, and whose members were extremely notorious for betraying hiding-places of Jews, are praised by Rulof for their idealism.

Rulofians (rigid followers of the doctrine) regard many parts of the Bible as a fraud, with the exception of the Gospel of John, 16:12-15; a passage, that they consider to be the announcement of Rulof's later appearance as a writing prophet. In approximately 20 years, all of his prophecies will assuredly be verified, because an instrument will then have been invented, which enables verbal contact with the world beyond, albeit at the exclusive disposal of the state officials.

Psychologists categorise personalities such as Rulof as fantasy-prone. In "The relations between the ego and the unconscious", (7) published a few years before Rulof started writing his first book, Swiss analyst C.G. Jung has described similar cases of mental illness. Certain quotations bear a striking relevance to Rulof's disposition: "The patient pretended to have 'telephone connections' with the mother of God and similar magnitudes. However, in his daily life he was an unsuccessful locksmith's apprentice" (p. 39). "An unmistakable characteristic of collective images appears to be the 'cosmos' ". (p. 68). "This phenomenon often shows peculiar symptoms, e.g. dreams of flying through space."(p. 69). "These exaltations signify magic prestige. One could easily claim that power is a driving motive. But one forgets completely that formation of prestige is a collective compromise: a person wants to have prestige and simultaneously there is an audience, looking for that person to receive it."(p. 51).

I have good reasons to assume that Rulof copied the first part of his "autobiographic" trilogy called Jeus of mother Crisje (in translation). In 1945, a good friend of Rulof wrote a biographic manuscript that was never published in the Netherlands. However, it was translated into English in order to appear during Rulof's travels to spiritist congresses in the U.S. in 1946-1947. Two years later, Rulof's own trilogy appeared, of which part 1 proves to be as good as a replica of the earlier manuscript, contrary to Rulof's claim that his trilogy had been dictated to him in trance by a "master Zelanus", one of his so-called tutors. (See also below under the caption 'Biography of Jozef Rulof')

Cover of dutch version of 'A view into the hereafter'
  Een blik in het hiernamaals  
There are more indications of Rulof's overwrought fantasy. In his introductory work A view into the hereafter, master Alcar - Rulof's main tutor - explicitly points out that during the first years in which Rulof receives his celestial information while in trance out-of-body experiences, not the slightest mention is to be made of anything concerning the latter's personal, earthly circumstances, since this would instantly awaken him. Observant readers will discover, only a couple of chapters further on, how, in complete disregard of his own dire warning, Alcar gives his pupil-in-trance a detailed description of the factual tragedy of the writer's dead-born child. In complete contradiction to Alcar's initial warning, his pupil's state of trance remains totally unaffected.

Another incongruity: in The origin of the universe, Rulof's master Alcar proclaims that man never will reach the moon. Since 1969, when astronaut Neil Armstrong had successfully landed on the moon, the editor has been overwhelmed with questions by worried readers who pointed out that this prophecy proved to be false. Wayti kept on drawing red herrings across the trail. To their frustration, Rulof repeated the same statement in his subsequent Questions and Answers series. Some readers still prefer to maintain that the moon landing of 1969 was a hoax, and that no-one has ever set foot on the moon up to this very day. In an effort to strengthen their case, they revert to the faked moon landing from the motion picture Capricorn One.

One could regard Rulof's books as hallucinatory make-believe by an ungifted author, written in the spirit of narrow-mindedness, characteristic of the remote little village in which he spent the first 30 years of his life. However, as these books are claimed to stem from "on high", they appeal to the creed bound. Worse still, those who tend towards racism and anti-Semitism believe themselves backed up by "cosmic entities". In Dutch-speaking countries, figures momentarily display a disturbing increase in interest in books of this kind.

Faith healer Jomanda
I am bound to call attention to this person, because I consider her to be mainly responsible for the boom in Rulof's books during the past years. Born in 1948 as Joke Damman (8), she was a celebrated faith healer in the Netherlands and also abroad. She has performed and still performs in other European countries and even in Japan, the U.S. and Canada. As a healing medium, she claims to maintain contacts with a "Divine World", comparable to Rulof's "Side Beyond". During 1996 - 2001, masses of people crowded at least four times weekly for healing gatherings in a big event-hall holding three thousand persons at one time. With an entrance fee of only EUR 5,- per person, Jomanda soon became a multimillionaires and began to exhibit traits of megalomania. Through her self-acclaimed healing medium ship and her "spiritual operations", observable to no one but herself, people hoped to recover from their physical and psychic affections. Although a few successful cases have been reported, which the medical profession and sceptics attribute to the placebo- and Lourdes-effect, the majority in no way experienced relief from her "treatments". Jomanda claims that in addition to her, only four other people in this world possess similar abilities, which highly impressed credulous patients who had hitherto not reaped any benefit from regular medical treatment.

Between 1996 and 2002, Jomanda also presented a weekly hour on a radio station, each time attracting over 90,000 listeners. Devotees wrote letters to her, and some of them were contacted by telephone and asked to express questions about their affections. Jomanda replied to them and gave prophecies, acting as if she had never read the contents of the letters, although these had previously been hand-picked by her, pretending that the "Divine World" had greatly honoured those authors by selecting their letters.

People, who enquired about the hereafter, were frequently advised by Jomanda to read the books of Jozef Rulof. According to her, these books described the real truth, and it was a study in itself to read them. Admittedly, the material was highly complicated, so people should thoroughly read only one page a day. Her advice showed its effects: books at libraries were often out of loan, and editor Wayti took the opportunity to publish a respectable quantity of manuscripts that had remained stocked on the shelf. Aware that Jomanda had great influence on her followers, anti-racism authorities tried to prevent her at least to utter these recommendations in public, yet in vain. Jomanda replied that critics of Rulof's books suffered from mental poverty. After frequent and persistent pressure by the Dutch national advisory committee against racism, she finally revealed that she possessed only one book by Rulof: A view into the hereafter. She apparently advises her followers to read books she herself was unacquainted with.

After a couple of minor scandals, a serious incident occurred in 2001, when popular Dutch tv-star Sylvia Millecam (1956-2001), who suffered from breast-cancer, consulted Jomanda. However, according to Jomanda's diagnosis by her "Divine World", Millecam had no cancer at all; she was merely suffering from an inflammation and should be treated appropriately. She followed Jomanda's advice and drained her cup of misery to the dregs before she eventually died in agony at the age of 45. A regular treatment in due time would have saved her. After her tragic death, the Ministry of Health started a thorough examination on Jomanda's malpractice and by February 2004 it presented an extensive and devastating report in which Jomanda and some of her intimate "doctors" were held responsible for the death of Sylvia Millecam. In addition, it stated that Jomanda's treatment had taken place in an overall highly dominating, cult-like setting, which left her patient no alternative. This case has been transferred to the public prosecutor who has determined that legal steps will be undertaken in 2006. Meanwhile, the general public has turned away from her, radiobroadcasts have almost stopped, and only a handful of die-hards are still tagging along.

Rulof: 'We will get to know the real life of the earthly Jew'
  we will get to know the real life of the earthly Jew  
Expansions, red herrings and Rulofians
Due to the increasing amount of readers, Wayti decided to extend its activities. The word of Rulof should be spread throughout the world, as he himself had predicted. At present, his books are being translated into English, German, French, Russian, Polish, Portuguese and Servo-Croatian. Several selling points have been erected in different continents and a DVD-documentary on Rulof's life will appear by February, 2006. Another project was to be launched: HSITMC (= How Shall I Tell My Children), destined to make children - from the age of four onward - familiar with Rulof's works. Indeed, how can parents be expected to tell their children about the 'Revelations' that state that "Here, in the land of Dawn (one of the spheres of Rulof's hereafter), we will get to know the real life of the earthly Jew. This species has lost all sense of spiritual values. They have gone too far with their haggling and cheating, indulging in their way of living. They still drip with the blood of Christ and reek of the many injustices committed amongst each other." (9) Some free-lance translators, being faced with a multitude of controversial parts in the books, are unofficially reported to have quit their assignment.

Mainly in an attempt to attract juvenile readers, Wayti decided nine years ago 'to modernise' the old-fashioned argumentation style of five of Rulof's books, including The Origin of the Universe and Mental Illnesses. Entirely revised editions appeared and simultaneously all forms of discrimination which had filled the original editions were omitted. An obvious red herring, because not a word was mentioned in the prefaces about these alterations, leaving beginning readers without the slightest suspicion of Rulof's true ideology. Strict Rulofians, however, disapproved of the amendments, and so the original editions were offered free of charge in exchange for the modernised ones, some of which can still be found in Dutch public libraries.

On Internet, Rulofians are very active in different chat-boxes (10), praising the ideology of their beloved author. Criticism on Rulof's works is sparsely acknowledged, since there is a firm underlying belief in the entire contents of all his books. Rulofians are wont to react in conformity with the well-known political reading: "You are either with us or against us". One of their strategies is to explain Rulof's doctrine in an excessively authoritarian manner, combined with an overload of wishful thinking. At the same time, makes it impossible for them to realise and consequently criticise his anti-Semitic tendencies: the Jews had laid their violent hands on the most exalted soul that lived on earth 2000 years ago. Therefore, it was quite logical that they should experience a harsh group-karma. It is completely irrelevant to them that the group of Jews who were present at the condemnation and crucifixion filled no more than a public square, whereas those who ended in the gas chambers amounted to over six million. To explain this , they claim that Jews who remained passive at the time of the crucifixion were also building up a group-karma and that their souls would also have to suffer during the future holocaust. Critical comments, pointing out that the Roman occupants were just as heavily involved in the crucifixion are simply brushed aside. This illustrates the frequent and severe lack of logic in Rulof's books: apart from overlooking the Roman executioners, likewise no reason is given why the gypsies and homosexuals had to suffer the same brutal persecution as the Jews did. Criticism is not seriously accepted by Rulofians, who may well fear that their house of cards will soon collapse. After uttering critical comments in some of these chat-boxes, I received several threatening replies, such as a quotation from Rulof's trilogy Jeus of mother Crisje, where critics and sceptics of his doctrine are warned that more than 300 earthly years of horrifying after-life await them after death. Rulofians do not form a sect yet they practice cult-like strategies to defend the highly questionable works of their idolised author. Right at this moment, Rulofians want to present Rulof's translated books to renowned Hollywood procucers as a manuscript for future a motion picture.

The law
In the mid-eighties, a Jewish foundation against anti-Semitism threatened the editor with legal prosecution if the original version of Revelations were not removed from bookstores. Wayti agreed under protest, yet this book can still be found in libraries, where it is often lent out. In 1997, in two districts of Rotterdam, a member of a Dutch political party with racist leanings (now forbidden) distributed a hand-made brochure of 12 pages based on this book. He was condemned to pay a fine 2 years later. Meanwhile the National Alliance, another political party with strong racial tendencies, is propagating Rulof on its website. In November 2002, a comprehensive critical article, called "The rebirth of an anti-Semitic author", appeared in a serious national newspaper (11). Another paper followed with a similar article. Wayti appeared highly amazed and requested the reporter to sacrifice a couple of hours in order to become acquainted with Rulof's doctrine. The latter declined and pointed out that Wayti has no problem in presenting these explanations in a much shorter time to innocent visitors of so-called new-age fairs. Until quite recently, Wayti would present Rulof's books and paintings at these fairs, but due to critical articles in the media, organisers have refused further co-operation. Wayti moved to Belgium, aware of the many Rulof-readers in Flanders. But in May 2003, the municipal judge of Antwerp forbade Wayti to continue presenting these books on local new-age fairs. The verdict stated that Rulof's doctrine as laid down in his books, is of an insulting nature to certain groups of people and invokes hatred and/or violence and is therefore at odds with legal definitions against racism and discrimination. A society with mutual tolerance has a higher fundamental value than freedom of opinion. Wayti withdrew from Belgian fairs and a newspaper topped "No more display for a racist clairvoyant".

Wayti appealed against the verdict, but without results. At present, a different Belgian court is studying whether the distribution of Rulof's books should be completely banned. A similar procedure would be unsuccessful in the Netherlands, where insulting publications from (semi-) religious sources are usually not persecuted.

(1) Official web-site:, English pages
(2) In English translation already appeared:
A View into the Hereafter (volume 1, 2 and 3) Aquaintance
The Bridge to Eternal Life
The Cycle of the Soul
Between Life and Death
Through the Grebbe-line to Eternal Life
The Origin of the Universe Deepening
Spiritual Gifts
In translation are:
Jeus of mother Crisje (vol. 1, 2 and 3)
Masks and men
Mental Illnesses seen from Beyond
All text-books (14 different titles)
(3) Issued in 1947 by Rulof Bros. , White Plains, N.Y. for The American Book/Stratford Press, Inc., N.Y.; this edition is at present only available at second hand. Numerous anti-Semitic fragments were omitted in this version, which remained unmentioned in the preface. A new translation is in preparation.
(4) De volkeren der aarde (Revelations), 4th Dutch edition p. 344
(5) De volkeren der aarde (Revelations), 4th Dutch edition p. 215
(6) De volkeren der aarde (Revelations), 4th Dutch edition p. 128
(7) Pagenumbers refer to the original German edition: Die Beziehung zwischen dem Ich und dem Unbewussten, Reichl Verlag, Darmstadt / Germany, 1928.
(8) Official web-site:, English pages
(9) De volkeren der aarde (Revelations), 4th Dutch edition p. 215/216
(10) Main chatbox:
(11) Trouw, November 15th, 2002

Biography of Jozef Rulof
The biography Jeus of mother Crisje cannot be regarded as a neutral biography, because it had allegedly been dictated to Rulof by one of his cosmic masters. (See also the aforementioned biographic manuscript, written by a friend of Rulof). This trilogy, supposedly narrated by master Zelanus, describes how Jozef Rulof was born in 1898 in the Dutch village of 's-Heerenberg, near the German border. As a son of poor descent, he was a simple agricultural labourer. The book relates that as a child, he experienced moments of clairvoyance and that a "being-of-light" sometimes presented itself to him, predicting that Rulof would someday write many books. At the age of 30, Rulof moved to the elegant town of The Hague (a completely different world, compared to his birthplace) and mingled in spiritist circles, which he soon accused of deceit. By that time, this being-of-light again presented itself as master Alcar and took Rulof's medium ship in hand. After Alcar had assumedly taught Rulof in trance how to drive a car, he earned his living as a chauffeur. During the next years, Alcar and Zelanus, his subsequent master, dictated eight bulky books to him in trance. However, positive response from readers was lacking and a lot of negative criticism was levelled at Rulof. In order to finance his works, he sold several of his paintings. These paintings, also received in trance, commonly represent flowers, angel-like creatures and crucifixes. Rulof's mother from a previous life, who was supposedly discovered by his masters in France, also contributed financially to the publication of one of his books.

It is my impression that Rulof, because of his descent, suffered from an inferiority complex which caused him to write as if he were possessed. In part 3 of the trilogy, Zelanus keeps on paying his pupil compliments and tells him that with those books, Rulof has exceeded almost every spiritual leader and philosopher in the world, such as Buddha, Ramakrishna, Krishnamurti, Pythagoras, Plato, Socrates, Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and Rudolf Steiner. Although they were all important, none had been in real spiritual contact with masters from beyond, as Rulof assumedly had. Evidently, Rulof was intent on making a deep impression on his gullible readers.

After World War II, Rulof travelled to the U.S. on family affairs, where he gave lectures at spiritist congresses. He even performed in Carnegie Hall in 1947. Again, he accused most spiritists of deceit. On these occasions, copies of a revised translation of Revelations 3) were sent to authorities such as President Truman and Cardinal Spellman. However, Spellman refused to accept the book. Disappointed, Rulof returned to Holland, where he gave over 800 lectures in well-visited halls in The Hague and Amsterdam until his death in 1952.
