Short news

Searchlight - December 2006

The fascist Dutch People's Union (NVU) marched, for the second successive year, in Arnhem, on 30 September, guarded by over 300 police who arrested 47 bystanders for having no identification on them. Around 100 anti-fascists were able to slip the police cordon and march on the NVU's route. A confrontation was narrowly avoided, however, because the fascists had to wait for their usual reinforcements from Germany and thus started their demonstration later than announced.

Finally, on 11 November, two fascist outfits hit the streets; the National People's Movement (NVB), a split-off from the National Alliance, marched with around 80 people, among them a bunch of Blood&Honour activists, against a new mosque in Middelburg in southern Holland and the Dutch People's Union (NVU) marched with the same number in Zoetermeer near The Hague, in protest at a city council plan to combat the growing number of racist youth in the town. In Middelburg, seven nazis were arrested for refusing to show their ID while, in Zoetermeer, around 100 anti-fascists demonstrated against the NVU's march. In an NVU speech, the nazis who attacked the Kristallnacht memorial in Frankfurt an der Oder on 9 November (see separate story) were applauded.

By Jeroen Bosch of Alert! and Antifa-Net in Utrecht reports
