Nazis vandalise town hall

Searchlight - September 2008

National Socialist Action (NSA) activists daubed Zoetermeer town hall at the end of July with slogans calling for an own meeting place, plastered the walls of the building with stickers and distributed leaflets demanding the resignation of the mayor and some councillors. One of the nazis was arrested.

These same so-called "Autonomous Nationalists" of the NSA, formerly known as Youth Storm Netherlands, had demonstrated again in the town, which is their home base, on 5 July as part of their ongoing campaign against police repression and its demands for its own meeting place in Zoetermeer where, for the past two years, the police have cracked down on the nazis' presence and activities. The 5 July demonstration, attended by around seventy activists from the NSA and Blood & Honour, including a Flemish Combat 18 activist, who also made a speech about repression, was headed by a banner that read "Anti Fascist Action" (AFA) as well as a huge flag with the AFA symbol. Incredibly, the NSA explains this bizarre activity as being "anti-Mussolini" because the Italian dictator was "a bourgeois fascist" but its real motive was clearly to wind up the real AFA.

At the end of May, right-wing extremists came in for some more police attention with a swoop on the home of Stefan Heijnen, moderator of the racist internet forum Holland Hardcore, where radicalised youngsters, gabbers, hardcore music fans and the ultra-right meet to post racist messages and to organise. The forum is particularly used by both the fascist Voorpost and the NSA to recruit new members. In a desperate bid for unity against this so-called repression, Voorpost and Holland Hardcore staged a demonstration in The Hague on 12 July. This parade was attended by a ragbag of about sixty fascists from Voorpost, the National People's Movement (NVB), the Dutch People's Union (NVU), National Socialist Action (NSA) with even such sworn enemies as Wim Beaux (NVB), Constant Kusters (NVU) and Tim Mudde (Brigade M/Nationalist Movement) marching together and generating unease among their followers.

Jeroen Bosch for Alert! and Antifa-Net
