Police tear into nazi terrorists

Searchlight - October 2006

The suspects, nine of them soldiers, are members of Blood, Soil, Honour and Loyalty (BBET), a split-off from the nazi Blood and Honour Flanders organisation and were allegedly planning terrorist attacks on Belgian soil in a bid to destabilise society. A letter claiming responsibility for the planned blasts had already been drafted, according to sources at Belgian justice department.

Thomas Boutens
  Thomas Boutens  
The alleged leader of the would-be terrorist gang is Thomas Boutens (25), a soldier whose ex-girlfriend Tamara van Aelst (25) runs the notorious BBET hangout, the Viking Bar, in Leopoldsburg, a small village where a military garrison is located. Marc Horemans from Antwerp has been described as the BBET's chief ideological wirepuller.

Boutens' activities seemingly involved organizing military training, survival weekends, shooting practice and setting up an arms trafficking business. One of the reasons for the sudden and dramatic police intervention was that the nazis' arms traffic was getting out of hand and they wanted to stop the arms reaching the black market. According to the justice department, the group was well trained, well organised and highly motivated to carry out attacks.

The BBET's ideology is a rabid mix of virulent racism, antisemitism and Holocaust denial and preaches so-called revolutionary national socialism and worship of Hitler's Third Reich.

The organisation was established because a group was dissatisfied with the activities of Blood&Honour Flanders, which is notorious for organizing nazi concerts to entertain boneheads from Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands almost every month, without any intervention from authorities.

Tamara van Aelst
  Tamara van Aelst  
Despite the relative success of B&H Flanders, the BBET wants more than beer drinking and random punch-ups, seeing itself as the vanguards of the white revolution and planning was to murder politicians of both the right and the left. Other documents found in the group's possession targeted migrants, Jews and a number of other individuals.

BBET's homepage is no different from other nazi websites and contains all the usual brain-rotting propaganda: the authenticity of the diary of Anne Frank is denied; Hitler is admired, geriatric Hitler fans like Florentine Rost van Tonningen are interviewed and there are the obligatory links to the Ku Klux Klan together with calls for the destruction of the "Jewish enemy".

BBET has cultivated contacts with nazi hooligans in Flanders and with the Dutch nazi groups, the National Alliance (NA), Dutch People's Union (NVU) and Blood & Honour (see Searchlight August 2006 issue).

In 2005, the NA organised lectures together with the BBET on "Race and reality. Towards the extinction of the white race?" and on "Activism and Zionism". Members of the NA also visited at least two demonstrations in Flanders that were partly organized by BBET. To seal the link with the NA, the BBET's mail address was, for some time, hosted by the server of NA chairman Jan Teijn.

Members of the NVU also visit meetings organized by the BBET in Flanders and BBET members have participated in NVU demonstrations. On 1 July, the NVU organized a demonstration against 'zionism' and in support of Iran. While BBET was not able to attend, it did send a message of greeting to the demonstration.

The day after the main raids, the police searched two houses around Mechelen and Antwerp and arrested two arms dealers and confiscated 50 and 60 weapons from their homes. Twelve soldiers who are under investigation are suspended by the military command but seven suspects have been released.

By Jeroen Bosch of Alert! and Antifa-Net in Utrecht reports
