Wilders international and inland agenda

Searchlight - October 2011

Saturday 3 September Geert Wilders, the xenophobe populist leader of the Freedom Party, speeched at an election conference of the German party Die Freiheit. Last year Wilders spoke at the funding of the tiny right wing populist party, but now he had to help Die Freiheit in their campaign in Berlin for the 18 September elections. According to polls Die Freiheit is not going to breach the 5% treshold, so they will stay irrelevant. What is left of the conference is Wilders international agenda of building his International Freedom Alliance, what also remains more a promise than an organization. So Wilders started promoting his ideas for a new campaign in the Netherlands, if you read between the lines of his speech. While polls predict a Freedom Party in German style for 20% of the votes, Die Freiheit mobilizing 600 attenders, even dropping the price of the tickets from 100 to 5 euro in the last days, did not fill up the hall. At least Berlin circus. International guests attending were Lars Hedegaard of the Free Press Society from Denmark, Kent Eckeroth of the Sweden Democrats, Pablo Barranco of the party Via Democratica and three representatives from Espana y libertad from Spain and people from the English Freedom Democrats. Highlights of the afternoon would be the speeches of Robert did publish his speech though. Apocalyptic as ever, Spencer sees Sharia meaning himself and Wilders and so on, will be put on trial and not be compares the European Union in his speech with the former Sovjet Union, Minaret-Initiative from 2009, where 58% of the Swiss who turned up voted against the building of new Minarets. Switserland counts 4 Minarets, so that is what this conference was about; painting the darkest futures for and looking away from consequences inherent to immigration. Spencer nor Freysinger mentioned the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, who believed their war rhetoric and acted accordingly. Wilders did mention Breivik, stating that Breivik was not one of them, because of his acts and is weird; he runs a one man-party, where it is impossible to be member, even the parliamentarians are not member of his party. You can only checks, listen to the rare one-sided shows where Wilders interviews his fellow travelers, in a closed venue somewhere in the Netherlands. In his speech Wilders boosts about his position in the Netherlands, repeating his non-Western immigrants with 50% the coming four years. We can conquer the islamisation of our society. Wilders even says; `David can win from implement whatever they want. "My friends, Germany needs a right party, not tainted with neonazism of anti-Semitism, because Germany is the backbone of Europe", Wilders speeched. Germans has to stop to be shameful (for the crimes of the Dritte Reich), not reduce patriotism to national of the national state, not without patriotism. We need new blood for the German spirit, loosely quoting the father of Zionism Theodor Herzl. Wilders shifts its focus from islamisation, a non-existing word, to the patriotism. That will probably be, in the light of the financial crisis for the Netherlands for the coming years.

Jeroen Bosch for Alert! and Antifa-Net in Amsterdam
